Our Contractor Bridge system meets the needs of providers of paths and tracks.
The system accomodates pedestrians and in its wider forms cyclists.
The rugged long lasting, bridge does not aim to comply with any Regulations or Codes. It is a simple appropriate economic solution to meet a need
Most bridges on the Pubic Footpath Network do not comply with any Codes or Regulations
People built serviceable bridges for thousands of years before there were any Bridge Codes. We are maintaining this tradition

The Basic Contractor Bridge has plane deck boards. Grooved deck boards can be supplied. Deck Boards with anti slip inserts can be supplied
The posts are rough sawn
The rails are planed
Posts bolt to the beams
Lateral braces maintain the beam spacing and make them act together. These are bolted to the beams
Deck Boards are nailed down to the beams
Rails butt joint on the centre line of posts and are nailed
Our Quickstep System is compatible with the Contractor Bridge system but denies disabled access.
We can supply timber or steel and timber ramps to DDA Gradients if our client wish. It is more usual to form approach ramps in compacted DoT Type 1

why choose countrywide access?
We use modern technology, but much prefer to discuss their projects with our clients.
Please call us on 01270 297 666 or email us at info@cwai.co.uk
Or complete the enquiry section of our website.